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We partnered with Belgian beauty brand Cent Pur Cent to create flexible, modular retail displays that showcase their clean mineral makeup while telling their brand story across multiple environments.



Floor displays

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Project goal

The goal was to present the complete product range in a way easy to navigate while expressing the brand DNA at the forefront. Founded in 2015 with a focused mission on clean ingredients and mineral makeup for sensitive skin, Cent Pur Cent has evolved into an international beauty powerhouse.

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Project result

Our new modular retail system offers a lot of flexibility to further present their story. Together we completed a major rollout of various retail solutions, such as a large retail floor display as well as a gondola presentation, including make-up table.

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We love working with Rob and his team. They think along with us, always aiming for a sustainable solution with the customer’s best interest in mind.
Caroline Rigo

Founder & owner Cent Pur Cent

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